Astra Roof Latches | Roof Stuck | Quick Fix | Hydraulic Hose
Product Services are now supplying Qualified Mechanics across Australia
with modified roof latches for the Holden Astra Convertible.
Roof latches on your Astra Convertible is a common issue across the
range of Astra convertibles. One can assume that the latches have been
design to fail as failure of these latches protects the hydraulic system
from failure. If the hydraulic system fails the cost of replacing /
overhauling it is out weighted by the cost of replacing the roof latch,
in terms of labor alone.
ALNO Product Services have developed a list of reputable
mechanics across Australia that the end user / customer have been more
than happy with regard to the service they provide.
To find the closest Mechanic with experience in replacing the broken roof latches contact ALNO Product Services (02) 4325 3519
have also had one case where a do it your self or unqualified mechanic
has modified the latch and the hydraulic system has failed when the roof
was opening, the hydraulic system need to be fully overhauled.
Having repaired over 17 latches over the past year.
ALNO with BPay, Paypal or Credit Card
Hi everybody.
ReplyDeleteI am having problems with my astra convertible 2002. The car is great but I am having problems with the roof.
The problem is that the roof motor is turning but the latches will not undo. The latch on the right is undone but the passenger latch will not undo.
I was fiddling with the drivers side catch but I am not sure if I managed to open it or whether it was already open and just hadn't shut properly.
So, now I have one catch open and one closed.
If anyone knows the answer and can call me or can leave their number and I will call them it would be appreciated. I would even pay somebody to fix it if they live near Tauntpn, Somerset or if the information works I will send a payment via paypal.
To sum it up.
On pressing roof down button:
Windows go down
Roof motor spins
Passenger catch doesn't undo!
I don't know if the car thinks that the roof is already closed as it beeps when I press roof close button.
Please help
Kimmi x
Hello Kimmi
ReplyDeletePlease contact Alno we can assit you
I have a 2002 Holden Astra convertible soft top.
ReplyDeleteOne of the hydaulic lines blew whilst I was trying to lower the roof.
An industrial hose company patched the blown hose, they said they do it all the time for Holden.
They replaced patched up one end of the hose then two days later the other end of the hose blew - ok i opened the roof about 10 times this was 3 weeks ago and yesterday the first end of the patched hose blew again.
Is it possible to get a complete new hose to replace this hose ..... as i think have paid 3 times more than i need too....